History of Magnet
In my first report published in January 8 2016, I reported that the history of the magnetic materials and the field of magnetism dates backs to ancient times - well before the stone and pre-stone ages (about 5000 years from now). Science Blog
And I tried to provide a relationship between magnetism and bio medicine. In this report, I will elaborate on how these magnetic materials were perceived in old ages and what led them to become most important materials in modern era.
Interestingly, the magnetic history began at the same time as the history of science began. The curiosity in magnetic materials specially prompted by the ability of the remote control nature of magnet to attract or dispel materials from a distance, and captivated the minds and hearts of people at the early stage and it is still continuing today.
To understand more about an invisible magnetic energy or force, we need to have practically either two pieces of permanent magnets or one piece of permanent magnet and the other piece of magnetic materials such as Fe, Co, Ni, etc., or even Loadstones – weak magnetic materials.
Not sure if you know about Load-stones? You might have heard about them but have not had a chance to get to know more about them. Not to worry if you do not know much about them, I will tell them here. They are widely popular and abundantly available rocks in the earth and they are rich in magnetite -also known as Fe3O4. What is fascinating about these rocks are that they are still very good magnets, although thousands of years ago they were magnetized by huge lightning strikes that impinge on them?
While it would not be wrong to say that the application of magnets dates back to stone and pre-stone ages, to our knowledge, the initial application of magnet in the form of “Spoon, also named as a south pointer” by humans’ dates back to mid-11th century (1064 AD) in China. A century later, a European re-invented the magnet in the form of Compass. The discovery of the Compass eventually helped Mr. Christopher Columbus discover America in the late 15th century (1492 AD). During the period of 5th and 15th century, also known as the medieval age, many compared the magnet to the human soul because of its interesting movement, and also believed that the alignment of the compass along the north and south direction was due to the effect of position of stars around the earth. After the medieval age, however, it was William Gilbert, who confirmed in the early 17th century (1600 AD) that the alignment of magnetic
World war has great effect in magnetic research, but primarily the important development in magnetism was made by Swiss Mathematician Daniel Bernoulli in late 18th century (1743 AD) who invented Horse Shoe magnet, that is still widely used in school text books around the globe.
By the 18th century, people already knew that the magnet has two poles, one is north and the other south. They also knew that electrons in metals has two charges, negative and positive. Because of these similarities between magnets and electrons researchers to go further deeper to understand these two (magnet and electrons).
A true relationship between magnets (magnetism) and electrons (electricity) was accidently discovered in the early 19th century (1820 AD) by Hans Christian Oerstan from Denmark. Right after that Andrew-Marie Ampere and Dominic Francois Arago from Paris demonstrated that a current carrying coil was equivalently a magnet.
I imagine you have all heard about Michael Faraday. It was Michael Faraday who discovered electromagnetic induction in the early 19th century (1821 AD). Michael Faraday. He used a still magnet and current carrying coil and disc of mercury to demonstrate the principle of electric motor. Michael Faraday also discovered the interrelationship between magnetics and optics in the late 19th century (1845 AD). I will talk more about magnetic materials and magnetism in my future report. I will also continue writing about the bio-magnetic application of magnetic materials in my future edition.
I imagine you have all heard about Michael Faraday. It was Michael Faraday who discovered electromagnetic induction in the early 19th century (1821 AD). Michael Faraday. He used a still magent and current carrying coil and disc of mercury to demonstrate the principle of electric motor. Michael Faraday also discovered the interrelationship between magnetics and optics in the late 19th century (1845 AD). I will talk more about magnetic materials and magnetism in my future report. I will also continue writing about the bio-magnetic application of magnetic materials in my future edition. Please check back soon.